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Migrate from MyExtraneous to GamersArray

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To migrate your MyExtraneous Channels to GamersArray, follow this KBA.

If you don't have any Channels associated with your account you won't need to go through the migration. Just create a GamersArray account and you're ready to go. If you're unsure, follow this anyway and you'll know by the end.


  1. Create a GamersArray account if you already haven't. If you do have an account - Log in by going to

  1. Click TeamSpeak > MyExtraneous Account Migration - or go here:

  2. Enter your MyExtraneous Username and Password
  3. Click Submit.
  4. That's it. You'll see a notice saying how many channels were copied over. If you see 0 that means there were no channels associated with your account. If you receive an error message refresh the page and try again. If you continue to receive an error message please open a ticket
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