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New User server group - Base de conocimiento / GamersArray / TeamSpeak - Helpcomp Support Center

New User server group

Lista de autores

What is it?  - The 'New User' server group  is for those who have just joined our TeamSpeak for the first time. This group is automatically assigned by [Bot]Asuna.

Why? - Recently there have been an increase of users coming in advertising other servers or violating the rules. This will make it more difficult to do so.

What you can do - Join channels, Create Channels, Talk in Channel chat, Message Admins, Voice Chat

What you cannot do - Private Message standard users - You can still message [Bot]Asuna and any admin, Poke standard users, Complain.

When does it get removed? - If you're a regular user it will be removed automatically.


We're sorry for any inconveniences this may have caused you.

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