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How to sort channels - Knowledgebase / GamersArray / Website - Helpcomp Support Center

How to sort channels

Elenco degli autori

You can only sort your channels through GamersArray Channel Management.

  1. Log into GamersArray

  2. Click TeamSpeak > Channel management

  3. Select your primary channel

  4. Select the parent of the channel you would like to move
    1. Example 1: To move Regular Talk to the top, and IAmTest to the bottom I would select MyExtraneous Test Channel

    2. Example 2: To move Superk's Private Channel I would select Friends

  5. Click Edit Channel at the bottom

  6. Click Basic > Sorting

  7. Click and Drag the channels to be in what order you want.
    1. Example 1 (see above, 4-1) I wanted to move Regular Talk to the top, and IAmTest to the bottom so I click Regular talk and drag to the top, then I click IAmTest and drag to the bottom.

    2. Example 2 (see above, 4-2) I wanted to move Superk's Private Channel to the top. I will click Superk's Private Channel and drag that to the top.

  8. Once all the channels are in the order you want, click Submit.
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