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Client-Side Channel Management - Knowledgebase / GamersArray / TeamSpeak - Helpcomp Support Center

Client-Side Channel Management

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Once you have created a channel in our server (If you don't have one you can follow This Article) you will be able to manage it directly from the client. This guide will cover all the possible commands you can do with the client inside a channel you own.



When you right click on your channel you will see a drop-down menu like the one you see in the picture above. The highlighted options are the ones that the privilege key you received from the site has enabled for you.

Edit channel

When you click on "Edit Channel" the window above will pop up. You will be able to edit various options of your channel:

  • Name: Edit the name of your channel;
  • Password: Insert, modify or remove a password;
  • Topic: Optional field, you can set a topic and let the people know what your channel does/talks about;
  • Description: Optional field, you can set a description for your channel.

Then you will have various tabs where you can tune your channel as you wish:

  • Standard Tab:
    • Channel Type: DON'T TOUCH IT, if you put Temporary and then hit Apply or OK when nobody will be on your channel, it will be removed forever (and you will have to create a new one);
    • Needed Talk Power: If you want to make people talk in your channel only when you want to, or you want to create an AFK channel, you should make this number higher than 0.


  • Audio Tab:
    • Presets: You can use an audio preset without worry about touching extra stuff and modify the audio quality of your channel with one click;
    • Custom Settings: Here you can select various codecs (from poor audio quality, bandwidth friendly codecs like Speex Narrowband to high audio quality, bandwidth hungry codecs like Opus Voice/Music) and fine tune the quality of the codec (from 1 to 10);
    • Bandwidth Usage: This value says how many bandwidth Teamspeak will use when you will be on your channel.

  • Advanced Tab
    • Phonetic Name: If someone uses a Text-to-speech sound pack he/she will hear the value you will put in this field when your channel will be nominated;
    • Voice Data Encrypted:  Self explanatory, if someone wants to hear what you are saying inside your channel he/she must enter in the channel;
    • Max users: You can set or remove a limit of how many users can enter in your channel at once (Server admins, Server Operators and Server Moderator doesn't count).

Create a Sub-Channel

Creating a sub-channel is pretty much the same thing of editing a channel, but when you will click on OK you will create a child channel under your main channel.

Channel Powers

You will also have additional powers over other clients

As you can see from the picture above as a founder you can:

  • Set a channel group, in order to share some of your powers with other clients:Kick Client from the channel (with an optional reason).Kick Client from the channel (with an optional reason).
    • Voice: The user can talk in your channel without requesting talk power (If "Needed Talk Power" is set);
    • Half-Operator: The user can grant Voice powers to ther users;
    • Operator: The user can give Voice and Half-Operator permissions and even modify the channel details from the client;
    • Channel Ban: The user can not enter in your channel
    • Mute/Mute Temp: The user has to request talk power, even if the channel is not moderated (Needed Talk Power=0);
  • Kick Client from the channel (with an optional reason).

Have fun with your channel!

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